Tuesday, December 15, 2009


When I first moved to my town I positively hated it. I still do, actually. It's small (about 15 miles from Seattle though, so it's not that small...), full of old people, and literally the only thing to do here is leave. Seriously - we've got a major highway, a train, a ferry, a harbor; all we're missing is an airfield, and that's a mere fifteen miles away. Nevertheless, there is one view on one street overlooking the Sound, potentially the ferry, the Olympics, and Kingston. It's gorgeous and there's rarely a tree obstructing the view. For those locals - where 220th meets 9th. I probably wouldn't love the view half as much if I didn't love the Olympic National Forest so much, but everytime I find myself going down that street I actually obey the speeding laws just to stare at it longer =D I'll probably post a picture of it soon, but none that I've found so far do it justice. I'll try though.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


I am officially an aunt. Allison was born Wednesday night at 10:38PM. She's a total doll, and I usually think newborns are alien looking. Sadly I'm quite possessive, and am determined to be her favorite. Her uncles were talking to her about soccer & Star Wars as she was falling asleep, then gave her to me. I told her we should paint her nails, and asked her what she thought about the color pink. Her eyes shot open & she got quite lively. I'm winning already =)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

excellent bone structure

I am currently lounging in a gorilla suit body whilst watching Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian with commentary. Why am I wearing the gorilla suit? I shall tell you:

gorilla suits are better than Snuggies.

yes, i said it.

I clearly never jumped on the Snuggie band wagon. Wearing a robe backwards has never quite appealed to me. People that wear robes seem like crazy people as it is; why would wearing one backwards suddenly be cool? I don't know. It saddens me that it has caught so quickly with college / high school students. They would benefit much more from gorilla suits. With the suits, they close in the back, so you don't have to watch your backside for snags or whatnot. Additionally, because they close up, you don't have to wear pants. You could be naked from the waist down (not that I advocate it), and no one would know! It's brilliant! They make awesome people legendary. Think about it: if someone comes to the door, and you're in a Snuggie they think "oh look, another Snuggie fanatic." But if you're in a gorilla suit they're thinking "holy smoke this chick's got a gorilla suit! she must be legendary!" It's science. I don't make these rules.

These are such rambles. I simply am not such a fan of Snuggies, and feel gorilla suits needs their glory. End.



Tuesday, November 24, 2009

know or go

my puppy is ignoring me.

this has been ever the week! heather spent the night on sunday - something we haven't done in a long time. technically I haven't had a sleepover in ages with anyone. we were making facetime videos and thus decided to dye our hair pink. I'm talking bubble gum pink, too. She did her entire head, and I just did a few strands. we didn't quite register the fact that her hair is super dark, so now she just kind of has a purple tinge. My blonde hair, however, got intensely pink. It was awesome on Sunday night; not so awesome at work on Monday afternoon. I only had it in streaks beneath the top layer, and in my bangs so I tried to hide it as best I could, but I got caught =/

I've been thinking and speaking a lot about The Big Move. I've had a few spats with my parents this past week, and what with time generally progressing, my future is hanging gravely in the air. I'm moving to London in May if at least only for a few months. I need a change from the norm here and, while the weather won't be much of a change, just about all else will. To answer the ever present question: "why don't you just go for a visit?"


I've heard from a many notable source that the best way to truely experience a culture and society is to completely drown yourself in it. Go to the grocery store, use the laundrymat, send a letter through the parcel service. That good stuff. As of right now I can afford to chillax for about four months, but I think I want to work at least part time. How weird would it be from going to working three jobs to immediately working zero? Awkward.

ANYhow in the spirit of my near dependence, I decided to go grocery shopping tonight. Mainly, I went because my candy canes were all eaten up already. So in planning for the next several meals, I bought poptarts (brekkie), ritz bits cheese (lunch?) and candy canes (dessert). I'm going to be a remarkable adult. Heather & I were talking about what kind of nerf gun arsenial and will ferell collection our shared apartment would have if we so chose to have one. A mini fridge loaded with lunchables and always at least one fort. Ohh what dreams we have...

I'm sleepy and don't have a day off until...Sunday? Good stuff.



Saturday, November 21, 2009

who've you been loving?

so i decided to go to the show =]
i worked all three jobs on thursday, then picked up yulia & we made it just in time to see bobby. perfect. he played my favorite songs, and due to the majority of his fan base attending the premiere of new moon, there weren't an overwhelming amount of people there. i'm not a big fan of crowds, so i was happy. yulia was all chatty as normal, and the security guys didn't steal my candy canes like i thought they would. it was a good night... kind of. i found out something about my friend that really puts her into a new perspective. she's entered a new club in my mind.
unfortunately due to my very late night on thursday, i was late to work on friday! it was cool though because there arent any rules and thus no consequences. (we keep talking about how badly we need tabitha coffey). I did my job so, thats good right?
last night was marketably cooler than i thought it would be. heather & i are getting back into destiny mode, so our little online show is starting up again. we're actually trying with it, too. when we first started it we crapped out halfway through the making of all of our vids, and it shows. i'm actually mortally embarassed by the majority of them. she thinks their poor quality makes them funny. i do not. it's interesting; every year at this point is when the personal changes get implemented. destiny path: officially engage.
allie watch:: no news on my niche. (name that 90s sitcom reference: boy meets world) if sharaya doesn't go into labor by the 30th theyre going to induce her. if she has her baby on the 23rd she'll have the same birthday as my cousin & her great grampa!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


today my sister is due to give birth. we window shopped in the mall to try to get the juices flowing.
i love the mall right now. it's gorgeous and christmas decorated (already, i know!!) and one of the starbucks inside makes the best white chocolate peppermint mochas ever. i love walking through during this season. spectacular.

tomorrow is one of those days where i've crammed too much into it, and now can't get it sorted. it's thursday, so i've got the typical 10.5 hour day, then theres a show i want to go to super bad, but there are about five bands, and the only one i want to see is at the end. this wouldn't be so lame if i didn't accidentally plan to go to the cinema tomorrow for a midnight showing (NOT of that pandemic's latest. i soley wanted to go to stick it to the business. planet51 doesn't even look that interesting, but i'd see it for the principle.) SO with a concert that doesn't end until 11:45 at the earliest, and a movie that starts - thirty minutes away, mind you - at 12...i don't know. to make matters more complicated, i haven't gotten my tickets, and i'd be going to both outings with two different people. i suppose i wouldn't be so stuffed about it if

A. Allison's potential birth wasn't looming in the air
B. I didn't have to work a full day on Friday.

ah, we'll see i guess. for now i simply ought to consentrate on my attire =)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I used to want to be famous SO BADLY.

& by "used to", I mean June.

I was actually convinced I was going to do it, too. My friend & I were going to be famous via our online talk show thing. We had recording schedules and themes...we were excited. We constantly talked about how fun the papz were going to be, where we were going to live and who we'd date. I kind of always knew she wasn't going to follow through, but it was my life. I was going to be like Princess Diana & volunteer at awesome places and make people pay attention to the charities that need it. I was going to be the next Princess Di. Alas, I don't think I'm the only one yearning for fame. Even subconciously, I think the entire generation is looking for admiration. Through Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter - especially Twitter - everyone is trying to be important. With MySpace, it was all about the amount of friends one could aquire. Popularity was the end-all be-all. Facebook and Twitter are outlets to pour out one's every move and thought. They allow every individual to be their own papparazzi, in hopes someone else cares that they are "having coffee before heading off to work!!" I don't know when or why our lives became so inferior, but its a sad state to live in.

I don't think I want to be famous anymore. I could undoubtly handle it, but I don't think I'd enjoy it. I feel like you lose a part of your soul in the sickening process. There seems to be no joy in it anymore. With all the publicity being done - either through allegedy relationship between costars to amp up ticket sales, to interviews with people that don't even know your name - and all the papparazzi stalking the celebrity's every move, it's a morbid field. It's decieving, confusing, biased and neverending. I don't care what type of coffee Mary Kate is drinking. I don't want other people to care what type of drink I'M drinking. I know many of the current celebrities didn't force their fame nor the effect it has on others, but I don't want other people to feel like my life is more important than theirs. I don't want anyone to feel that way about anyone else.

Fame is a slutty whore and I am embarassed.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

it's beginning to look a lot like christmas...

so I have come to find in my wallowing that I am awesome. The only problem right now is that people seem to have forgotten that...

Nahh, I just have a problem with imitation. Every time I aquire a new best friend I tend to take on their habits. For example, when I became friends with L - we'll call her - I took up her sailor mouth. When I became friends with H, I stopped caring for my personal appearance. Ugh that sounds gross. I just stopped trying with my hair and I didn't really care about the clothes I was putting on. I decided to try to be myself again, and it seems to be working. I'm starting to be satisfied again.

I am so terribly excited for the holiday season. I've got my boots, my candycanes and my eggnog steamers. I am a happy camper. I love going to the mall around this time of year. The decorations, the Macy's Frango set up outside the store, all the people in their coats and boots and mittens and scarves. This is truely the best time to people watch. Everyone seems so much more enthusiastic when they buy things for other people. Speaking of which, I really need to figure out what to get my mum...



Sunday, October 18, 2009

i better rest my eyes

May I start out by saying exactly one year ago at this very moment I was heading to Portland on a secret donut run with my ex boyfriend, ex best friend, and current best friend. This endeavor lasted from 130AM - 830AM, against my parents' knowledge. The ex drove the entire way with his eyes half closed, doing fifty in sixty / seventy mph roads. I rode the entire way with a mustache super glued to my face by choice. Oh what times those were. Those times that got me grounded for three months. To commemorate such a day, I suppose my subconcious decided to make today bloody memorable as well.

For starters, Post Secret came in the mail, which I was stoked for. I ordered it online last week, but hadn't heard anything about the shipment, so I assumed I wouldn't have gotten in time for the plane ride to LA. Now my only problem is resisting from reading the entire thing until Thursday.

After skimming through, I went to get Yulia for the Bo show. I am so grateful she agreed to go, as not only did she not know who Bo even was, I asked her super last minute, as my other friend bailed with zero advanced notice. I must say I was not surprised at all to see the theater filled to the brim with white teenagers. There were about five black kids. How do I know this? He asked.

Unfortunately - due to poor planning on our part - we missed the chance to meet with him and say hi. SO we have vowed each other to go to his next show in Seattle at all costs; even if I'm in Minneapolis by then. We must meet him, as we are going to be his new best friends. After all, who can turn down a girl with a gorilla suit? No one, thats who...

Due to our disappointment, we decided to get some Starbucks and hang out in our old hang out joints - grocery stores. (hey, when you're 18, not into the party scene, and bored on a saturday night at 11PM, where else are you gonna go?!) We started at Top Foods, where we met two nice young lads in the parking lot, after being eyed by them inside. After hellos and awkward introductions, we swapped numbers and have been texting ever since.

Yikes, that makes us sound like whores. Back up:

The last three - now four - times I have made new friends (outside of "this is a friend of a friend of a friend") was in a parking lot. The first time was creepy and weird and complicated, but I find I am apparently at my best in a parking lot, in the dark, with messy hair. Who knew?

Okay, so that's sounding really lame, but I keep accidentally deleting my posts, so this is attempt number 3, and I'm ready for bed. My sister's baby shower is in the morning, and I'm apparently partially hosting it. Yikes.

I still can't believe she's going to have a child in a month...



Thursday, October 15, 2009

the traveling song

So I'm really good at keeping friends for a year and a half.
I don't move around a lot, I don't switch schools, and I don't have a lot of drama. I suppose I just have an expiration date. We grow up and we grow apart. Unfortunately time is closing in on my closest friendship, and it's unfolding yet again. I haven't talked to my alleged best friend on happy terms in about a month. Additionally, she's been blowing off plans for the last two months.

This time is quite unlike the rest, however.

Today when I got home from work my parents told me that my dad is potentially getting relocated...to Minneapolis. We've been online all night looking up our possible new neighborhood. If it all happens, we're going to be in Minesota be January. This means:

October: family reunion
November: my neice is born!
December: Christmas / I turn 19
January: my entire life changes.

Of course this would happen right after I finally start to enjoy Seattle. Of course this would happen when I still make just under enough money to live here by myself. Of course this would happen when I want it to the most.

I so badly just want to wake up somewhere else. I so badly want to up and leave and not tell anyone. But I suppose, most of all, I just want to be missed.



Tuesday, October 13, 2009

i could be the one

hello again,

I am a bucket list keeper, and here is the current one:

a. Get a motorbike license
b. Move
c. Volunteer somewhere again
d. Be fluent in at least three languages by Jan 2010
e. Produce something that at least 100,000 people enjoy
f. Own an island, and secede from the country.
g. Get written about in textbooks
h. Become a pilot
i. Help rescue the hashmeat baby gorillas
j. Spend a day with Bono
k. See Eddie Vedder live
l. Play cards with the President
m. Be in Times Square for New Years
n. Attend a red carpet movie premiere and ditch halfway through
o. Go up in the Goodyear Blimp
p. Live a block from the Eiffel Tower
q. Cross the International Dateline
r. Travel the entire Pan American Highway
s. Get a mute to laugh
t. Effect change



Monday, October 12, 2009

one jump ahead

dear universe,

how are you today? you seemed a little glum this afternoon.
i feel we should get to know each other a bit better. here are some important facts you should pen down about moi:
i am always late.
i use music lyrics / titles for everything
i'm one of those types that believes my life could always be better.
i have crazy weird big dreams.
i like languages and using more than one in one sentence.
i have the cutest westie on the planet, guaranteed.
capitalization is for squares.
i'm moving to london soon, but no one really knows.

alright, that pretty much covers me.
see you tomorrow?
