Saturday, November 21, 2009

who've you been loving?

so i decided to go to the show =]
i worked all three jobs on thursday, then picked up yulia & we made it just in time to see bobby. perfect. he played my favorite songs, and due to the majority of his fan base attending the premiere of new moon, there weren't an overwhelming amount of people there. i'm not a big fan of crowds, so i was happy. yulia was all chatty as normal, and the security guys didn't steal my candy canes like i thought they would. it was a good night... kind of. i found out something about my friend that really puts her into a new perspective. she's entered a new club in my mind.
unfortunately due to my very late night on thursday, i was late to work on friday! it was cool though because there arent any rules and thus no consequences. (we keep talking about how badly we need tabitha coffey). I did my job so, thats good right?
last night was marketably cooler than i thought it would be. heather & i are getting back into destiny mode, so our little online show is starting up again. we're actually trying with it, too. when we first started it we crapped out halfway through the making of all of our vids, and it shows. i'm actually mortally embarassed by the majority of them. she thinks their poor quality makes them funny. i do not. it's interesting; every year at this point is when the personal changes get implemented. destiny path: officially engage.
allie watch:: no news on my niche. (name that 90s sitcom reference: boy meets world) if sharaya doesn't go into labor by the 30th theyre going to induce her. if she has her baby on the 23rd she'll have the same birthday as my cousin & her great grampa!

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