Saturday, February 20, 2010

Last month my friend decided to terminate our friendship on the basis that my life was too stressful for her. It's true, I suppose, that I'm a 24/7 kind of person. I'm always looking for the next biggest adventure and my life motto is "I don't need rest; I'll sleep when I'm dead." Still, it was a bit disheartening when, in the heat of the arguement, she said: "you can't not do things". (ever the eloquent speaker.) So, being my typical stubborn self, I decided to give that a go. I wasn't going to do any 'things'. I'd do the typical 'go to a friends house and watch television/go to the cinema/shop for regular things'.

A month later, I've done it...and I never want to go back. It's a shame my friends tend to burn out so quickly. When we were friends, we had plans. Big, big plans. Now that it's no longer, I saw a fb status update (something I try to avoid. It's a general rule in my book to 'out of sight out of mind' someone that decides I'm no longer worth breathing the same air as.) Anyway, I saw her status read something about school. Throughtout our bffship (friendship = 5 years; bffship = 1.5 years) she hated school to the point of dropping out TWICE. She got kicked out of programs due to low GPAs and not showing up, etc. So, I don't know I guess it just saddens me to see people change like that. To force themselves to do something because it's common or expected.

Although, she wasn't the best friend I've ever had. Quite frankly she wasn't in the Top Five. I feel that's why
A. I let the friendship end so easily. I even forgot to tell my mom until she asked about her.
B. I'm not that torn about her choice to return to something she hates.
C. I'm so determined to do what we both said we'd do, first. We were in the middle of writing a screenplay - a really, really good one, too - when the friendship imploded. We decided to give the movie-making thing a try to see if we were right about it being our (seperate) calling(s). We were right, at least in my case.

So, her going back to school either makes it seem like the whole thing was a lie, or she's given up.

There's nothing more heartbreaking that someone that gives up on their dreams.

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