Tuesday, March 2, 2010

bury the castle.

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. - Walt Disney

I've acquired an odd fasination with Walt Disney. He was really daring and geniune, it seems. I love people that believe in maintaining child-like enthusiasm and imagination.

I'm leaving in one week for Disneyland. I fly out on Tuesday morning, go to Disneyland on Tuesday, sleep at the condo, fly home on Wednesday & head straight to work.

I'm having a really hard time grasping the slipping sensation of Europe. I feel kind of stuck because I've been convinced that I can't settle in anywhere until I go to Europe, but I'm so wretched at saving money. It's happening sooo slowly. I think it's partly because I'm pretty scared of going alone, with just a backpack and free will.

Oh, I got into my first ever car accident on Thursday. My poor 20 year old car is apparently down for good. If it were a newer car the damage wouldn't be so bad, they told me. My gramma bought the car new, so it's been in the family since the beginning of time. Poor old fart =[ They guy who hit me was coming out of a parking lot and trying to cross three lanes of traffic. He didn't speak much English, but what he did get out was, "It's your fault!". Except, it's the back of my car, and the side of his, so...there's no way. Oh well.

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