Friday, February 12, 2010

times, they are a-changin'

I've decided to be someone else for a little while. I really admire artistic people and fashionistas. I've taken a huge eye to heels and dresses and skirts, and I really am getting into photographs.

There's this website: that is my absolute favorite. Any article of clothing / handbag / shoe you could possibly find is all on this site, and you can then take them & make outfits out of them. I'm pathetically addicted, and now I desperately want to do loads of shopping!

I'll think I'll start doing a photo of the post. Here's todays:

The great forest of La Push. I really want to go back. Additionally, the hair product Andrea put in my hair today smelled like an airport. Whilst this wasn't exactly positive, I now want to go to the airport & take a flight. I dont even really care where.

I'm currently watching the news as they are broadcasting about the Olympics. I'm not gonna lie, I feel pretty awesome that trillions of people are congregating in the same city I venture to for cinematic adventures. Its the ol' "I knew ______ before it was big" feeling. Classic.

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