Friday, February 19, 2010

History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it.
- Winston Churchill
photo credit: Facebook S&S Photography

I've been called upon to help with a telethon for Haiti. At first I was pretty against throwing money at the Hatians without giving them any assistance, but, I realized, it's better to do a little bit than to do nothing at all. As they say, every little bit counts.

I'm a bit sad right now. Looking out the window I can see bright blue skies and the sun high in the sky - something that I've rarely been able to witness over the past few months. With the sun beating down on the windows and making everything warm inside, I want to go outside and play. Alas, take one step outside and you freeze to death. The weather here is oh so sneaky like that.

Around Christmastime, I was really wanting to go to Disneyland (I went twice last year: once in March and then again in October.) It's probably my favorite place ever right now. Due to my overbearing work schedules I haven't been able to do anything awesome recently, which is killing me. Ordinarily a trip to La Push or a midnight run to the Sonic in Portland would cure that, but I need something kind of big. There's a delicious coffee stand in the San Fran airport, so I'm thinking about heading there or to Disneyland for one day. We'll see...

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