Saturday, January 23, 2010

Teen Job Chop.

Every Saturday at work I peruse that week's Sunday Times. Today I stumbled upon the 'Letter's to the Editor' section about their article on the decline of teen jobs, and how it is impacting teenagers. These letters were all from angry stereotypical adults who believe every teenager on God's green earth does nothing - and desires nothing more -but sit infront of their computer on "their websites". They all slam the teenage work ethic and claim we are a useless lot. I have two problems with this.

A. We learned our work ethic from someone, didn't we?
B. I have more jobs - and get praise from said jobs - than most adults I know. Yet, still, I'm the incapable fool? I don't think so.

There was one letter that said "teens bring little or nothing to the table but a misguided sense of entitlement...". I'm sorry, but where does yours come from? If I am equally qualified, it is fair game, my friend. Another letter claimed we, the youth, are more reluctant to work extra hours, even for pay. Why yes, with employers who carry this attitude, I would rather slice my ear off than sit and be treated with little to no respect. (Don't misread this: Respect ought to be earned, but there needs to be opportunity in which to earn it.) Finally, the topic was brought up about teens' ignorance when it comes to grammar and punctuation. I enjoy this, as we are the generation born into computers. I understand the limited vocabulary as a result, but the typos just seem more inappropriate.

So, there is not doubt there are the fools that ought to reserve themselves soley for fast food joints, I do not appreciate the stereotype. I also understand most of this is coming from grumpy adults who probably got their jobs takens away as a result of the poor choices they and their parents made years ago. However, I have the sense of mind to know it does not condone robbing youth of their feelings of self worth. It's not our fault you have too much pride to look for work at McDonalds when you've reached your end.

ps. Yes, I do find the irony in my blogging while at work. Alas, at least I'm not on Facebook like the rest of my coworkers 10 years my senior. =)

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