Saturday, May 15, 2010


How big you make it is all about how far you take it. - Fame

I have just been introduced to the latest Miley Cyrus video. You know, the one where she's grinding around in a one piece at a museum?

Yeah, that one.

I have never feared more for the childhood role models of my poor neice. Britney Spears did a video similar to this one in the 90's. Guess what happened less than ten years later? Oh yeah, a public mental / emotional breakdown. I know everyone says - and has for years - that Miley is fast becoming the next Britney, but there is one similar trait that stands out to me: the apparent ignorance that what they are doing and how they are acting is not typical for girls their age. If anything, they are the ones who influence those few sluts. Chuck Klosterman once interviewed Britney and wrote about the experience in his book, A Decade of Curious People and Dangerous Ideas. He debates whether or not she has truly been brainwashed by the people surrounding and controlling her, or if she is actually an amazing businesswoman who has learned all the right words to say to continue to get away with it. Either way, they are forces to be reckoned with.

In my opinion, there really aren't many good role models for girls out there right now. Clearly you know my stance on Miley, but even on the flip side: Taylor Swift. She reportedly jumps from boy to boy and writes songs about how naive and grudge-holding she is. And these are the moguls girls are supposed to emulate! I just want a few good girls. A few virtuous celebrities that aren't known for their boyfriends or their parties. Not to put expectations upon people, but as the looks of it Amanda Seyfrield is looking to be an amazing candidate. Carrie Underwood as well. I just hope that by the time my neice is my age, Hollywood will be more about talent and optimism than sex and hookups.

But, who am I kidding? This is Hollywood, right?

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