Saturday, August 28, 2010


I miss XANGA & MYSPACE surveys, so here's a golden gem...

Who, out of all your friends, do you trust the most?
friends? what are friends?

Think back to your last kiss; Looking back now, was it a mistake?
i honestly thought i was gonna be raped for a second. he had this crazy look in his eye and at one point he said "lets get it on"

Do you have a crush on anyone?
no girl wants to marry a doctor who can't tell if a man's dead or not!

What is your current mood, and what put you in it?
i feel like someone definitely touced my drum set...
okay enough movie quotes:
i feel...weird? i feel like i know my future, but have noo idea how to obtain it.
correction: i know precisely how to obtain it, but all that work...

If you could only drink one thing for a month, what would it be?
water. me skin needs a-clearing.

Honestly, what is your opinion of your last ex?
he coulda been a good friend.

What is your "outlet?"
you know whats weird? when people don't want to answer a question on a survey, so they talk about something random in place of it. they could just delete the question, but no. it destroys the intergrity.

Do you have a Formspring? How about a Twitter?
no and no. i've never been on twitter AND I NEVER WILL

What did you do last weekend?
went on a 'date'. psch please. boy doesn't know who the Avengers are. how could that ever be?!

When's the last time you felt betrayed?
just this evening. my dog deserted me for the sofa.

What's the worst rumor you've ever heard about yourself?
that my feet smelled.

okay, so that wasn't a rumor. it was told right to my face. and it was said out of rage. because, lets face it, who could be legitimately mad at THIS?

What has been your best month and worst month so far this year, and why?
BEST: may = london. hmmm...but march & august = disneyland, so...thats a toughy.
WORST: february. who even likes it? no one - thats who.

Check your phone; Who's the newest text from? What does it say? Oldest text?
my phone doesn't work like that. this is the nineties already. get with the program.

Who do you have texts from right now?
my phone is dead.
(rephrasing: it might be dead. it's clear across the room, so we're just gonna go with 'dead')

Would you rather cheat, or be cheated on? Why?
i think i would have loads more emotional trauma if my diet cheated on me than if i cheated on it.

If you had a plane ticket to anywhere, where would you go?
LOOP HOLE! i would have one of those around-the-world tickets that would take me to australia, london, and hong kong. BAHM.

Honestly, are you trustworthy?

When's the last time you were drunk or high?
i've only ever been drunk once, and it was terribly weird. and it was fourish years ago.

Who's the last person you had a serious conversation with?
sirs alex and ryan about my standards in future mates.
it was a short conversation. more of a statement, really.

What song describes your life right now?
we are the champions - queen.

Do you like where you live?
its grown on me.

Do you prefer cuddling or making out?
uhh there are preschool toys present.

Which friend do you miss right now?
friends? what are fr - oh you get it.

What's the worst thing a boyfriend/girlfriend has ever done to you?
well i've only had one, technically. and i walked all over him, sadly. i am not proud of it, but it was what it was. so...i don't know. i dont think he did anything wrong. WAIT he took me swing dancing! never. again.

Are you a forgiving person?

Where's your favorite place to get ice cream?
the freezer. always stocked with my favorite flavors. brilliant.

What's the last concert you went to?
bobby long.

Who did you hang out with last?

Are you usually in drama, or trying to fix it?
i used to be one of those glorious "i hate drama! blah blah blah" and then i'd instigate it. ohh i don't know how i ever had friends.

What is your biggest mistake this year?
stopping the whole 'midnight movie every weekend'. was i high or something?

If you could go back and redo things with your last ex, would you?
no that ship sailed ages ago. AND things have turned out just as i told him they would. he found unconditional love / a future wife, and i have started collecting self-sufficient, attitude-ridden pets. do i know us or what?!

In general, do you like girls or boys better?
boys allot for more sass, so...

What's the last movie you saw? Who were you with?
vampires suck NOT ON A DATE with chris.

Which friends' houses have you been at this month?
remember back when i was saying its crazy people don't just delete questions they don't want answer? yeahh...still believe it.

Ever been to a haunted house?
yes. this is where boys come in handy.

Have you ever moved?
no, i was born on this very couch.

Where did your last kiss take place?
the late Gus. RIP.

Ever broken a bone?
just my middle finger.

Do you prefer coffee or soda?
coffee soda. soda coffee. soffee...coda...hmm

What's your favorite kind of shoe to wear?
flats. i like to feel the broken glass on my feet =]

Do you still talk to the person who hurt you the most?
i can't. hes dead...

Have you forgiven that person?
i suppose so. it wasn't his fault, really. i mean sure he had some anger issues, but ultimately it was the Emperor and his ne'erdowell tactics that turned him...

How many people have you liked this year?
i've liked a great many. i don't ration out my likings.

Would you consider yourself outgoing or shy?
i'm quiet.

Who's your go-to venting person?
buddy - he's a good listener.
...unless someone has cheese, in which case, forget it.

What's your longest road trip?
twentyish hours driving. one day, though, pan american hwy! like five months!

Favorite board game?
scrabble. i like words.

Have you ever been caught making out with someone?
not that i know of. i think PDA is pretty icky.

Where are you right now?
riiiight here.

Who's your most recent missed call from?
you don't even look good when youre singing.

Who's the last person you took a picture of?
allison lucy
(fact: she's named after lucy pevensie. how cool is that?!)

Have you ever done anything illegal?
well...duh. i used to drive with friends before the six month period was up allll the time!

What's your favorite sport to play? To watch?
"wanna go do karate in the garage?"

If you could say anything to one person, what would it be?
i'll put a spell on you. you'll fall asleep & when you wake i'll be the first thing you see and you'll realize that you love me. yeahh.

Monday, August 2, 2010

ordinary people

There is no heavier burden than a great potential. - Charlie Brown

I've really been getting into the late great princesses. Namely, Her Serene Highness Princess of Monaco and Her Royal Highness, the Princess of Wales. The grace and style they both had is so inspiring. The whole idea of being a princess has always had little girls dreaming from Hans Christian Anderson to Princess Di. Still, there's something so intimidating and fantastic about being an actual, real life princess. I'm sure it would be blisteringly hard, but it seems like the whole job would be so incredible every day. What I wouldn't give to have spent a day with them.