Sunday, April 11, 2010

like you imagined

"In this world there are two great tragedies: one is not getting what one wants; the other is getting it. The last is much the worst." - George Bernard Shaw

I'm pretty bad with consistency. You should know that from the get-go.

Disneyland was super fun. The rental car sucked, but the second I walked in the oondo I was so relieved and excited. I spent five hours in Disneyland and was already bored. The line at Space Mountain was only fifteen minutes long! I had accomplished everything I wanted to by the five hour mark and just tried to absorb as much as possible before I left.

Honestly, out of everything I've done, this is probably my greatest accomplishment thus far. High school graduation, yeah okay. Cool. Performing at Northgate and Alderwood malls? Working three jobs? I don't know - it just doesn't satisfy me. Going to California by myself, arranging it by myself, and executing it solo? Ohh yes. I feel like I've become extremely dependant. That, and I don't consider doing things that are expected of me to be "accomplishments".

Next huge step: London. I'm going in roughly twentyish days. By myself. I'll be in Liverpool for a few days, then London, then I figure, why not Paris? I've talked about it so much I just want to do it finally. I need to decide if I DO want to move there, and if so I'll get the ball rolling, that sort of thing. I'm pretty stoked but pretty freaked at the same time =]